minister of defence (soviet union) câu
soviet of the union
Primakov, Yevgeny Maksimovich, Speaker of the Soviet of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet UnionPrimakov, Yevgeny Maksimovic...

soviet union
Do you have any association with the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Powers? - Kidding?Anh có dính líu gì với Hiệp Hội Sô Viết, Trung Uý Power...

the soviet union
Do you have any association with the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Powers? - Kidding?Anh có dính líu gì với Hiệp Hội Sô Viết, Trung Uý Power...

supreme soviet of the soviet union
Primakov, Yevgeny Maksimovich, Speaker of the Soviet of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet UnionPrimakov, Yevgeny Maksimovic...

soviet air defence forces
It is then that the 29-year-old pilot, Flight Lieutenant Viktor Ivanovich Belenko of the Soviet Air Defence Forces, announces that he w...

1920s in the soviet union
In this sense, "market socialism" was first attempted during the 1920s in the Soviet Union as the New Economic Policy (NEP), but soon a...

1942 in the soviet union
Pages in category "1942 in the Soviet Union"Các trang trong thể loại “Thể loại:1942 ở Liên Xô” Pages in category "1942 in the Soviet U...

1956 in the soviet union
It entered into service back in 1956 in the Soviet Union and is expected to fly with Russian Air Force until at least 2040.Loại máy bay...

1970s in the soviet union
In the second half of the 1970s in the Soviet Union were created the SS-20 missile of medium range.Những năm sau của thập niên 70, Liên...

admiral of the fleet (soviet union)
Admiral of the Fleet (Soviet Union)Admiral of the Fleet (Khối Thịnh vượng chung)

admiral of the fleet of the soviet union
His rank was raised to Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union and he was awarded the Marshal's Star.Cấp bậc của ông sau đó được đổi l...

airports built in the soviet union
Airports built in the Soviet UnionCác sân bay được xây ở Liên Xô Airports built in the Soviet UnionCác sân bay được xây ở Liên Xô

borders of the soviet union
A small fleet of U-2s was deployed at several secret bases close to the borders of the Soviet Union.Một phi đội nhỏ U-2 đã được triển k...

congress of soviets of the soviet union
It is important to note that this Congress was not the same as the Congress of Soviets of the Soviet Union which governed the whole Sov...

constitution of the soviet union
Not to be confused with Constitution of the Soviet Union.Đừng nhầm lẫn với Constitution of the Soviet Union. Not to be confused with Co...

council of ministers of the soviet union
In 1948 the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union named the university after Andrei Zhdanov, a prominent communist official who had ...

disasters in the soviet union
“There were all kinds of disasters in the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War, because people felt so strongly about...

dissolution of the soviet union
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this territory became the property of the Ukraine.Sau khi Liên Xô sụp đổ, nó thuộc sở hữu củ...

economy of the soviet union
Further information: Economy of the Soviet Union, Revolutions of 1989, and Baltic WayXem thêm thông tin: Kinh tế Liên xô, Các cuộc cách...

education in the soviet union
Education in the Soviet Union was organized in a highly centralized government-run system.Giáo dục ở Liên Xô được tổ chức trong một hệ ...

energy in the soviet union
Energy in the Soviet Union.Năng lượng tại Liên Xô

famines in the soviet union
It itself was very weak after the war and there were even famines in the Soviet Union after the war, as we know.Sau chiến tranh, bản th...

flag of the soviet union
The flag of the Soviet Union, used in northern Korea during the Soviet occupation of northern Korea from October 1945 to September 1948...

government of the soviet union
For information about the government, see Government of the Soviet Union.Để xem thông tin về chính phủ, xem Chính phủ Liên Xô. Heads o...